Oregon 82-516 Spindle Assembly for MTD 618-0241, 618-0431, 918-0241, 918-0241B, 918-0431, 918-0431A




Product Description

This spindle assembly fits left hand side on 46" deck, 800 series (1997 and newer) for star center hole blades.

Product Details

Left hand side on 46" deck, 800 series (1997 and newer)

For star hole blades

Use with Oregon® 45-259 bearings and 85-051 spindle shaft

Replaces MTD

Fits the Following Models:


13A6616H190, 13AG619H022, 13AI607H019, 13AI607H088, 13AI607H098, 13AI607H118, 13AI608H026, 13AI608H062, 13AI608H129, 13AI608H131, 13AI608H352, 13AI609H131, 13AI617H118, 13AI618H205, 13AJ608H131, 13AJ616H190, 13AJ626H190, 13AN607H352, 13AQ607H000, 13AQ608H129, 13AQ608H131, 13AQ608H729, 13AQ617H118, 13AS607H352, 13AS608H131, 13AS608H731, 13AT604H401, 13AT604H452, 13AT604H701, 13AT604H755, 13AT606H190, 13AT608H016, 13AT614H401, 13AT614H701, 13AT614H755, 13AT616H190, 13AT618H300, 13AU604H099, 13AU604H401, 13AU604H402, 13AU607H131, 13AU608H016, 13AU609H131, 13AU614H755, 13AU618H016, 13AU618H098, 13AU618H705, 13AU624H401, 13AV607H131, 13AX604H401, 13AZ608H131, 13AZ614H401, 13AZ614H452, 13AZ614H701, 13AZ618H016, 13AZ618H705, 13BI608H129, 13BI618H205, 13BQ607H000, 13BS608H131, 13BT604H401, 13BT604H452, 13BT616H190, 13CS608H731, 145V834H401, 147U836H190, 147W834H401, 14A9843H206, 14AI825H352, 14AI828H205, 14AI839H131, 14AI845H088, 14AI845H129, 14AI845H352, 14AI845H372, 14AI848H205, 14AI849H016, 14AI849H131, 14AJ816H190, 14AJ825H118, 14AJ844H401, 14AJ845H062, 14AJ848H016, 14AJ848H131, 14AJ849H131, 14AJ84AH062, 14AK825H033, 14AQ825H206, 14AS820H352, 14AS825H000, 14AS825H013, 14AS825H033, 14AS825H062, 14AS825H118, 14AS825H205, 14AS825H206, 14AS825H302, 14AS825H700, 14AS82AH013, 14AS833H131, 14AS83AH000, 14AS840H120, 14AS843H131, 14AS845H000, 14AS845H088, 14AS845H147, 14AS845H372, 14AS845H788, 14AS848H022, 14AS848H098, 14AS849H009, 14AS84AH019, 14AS84AH062, 14AU804H401, 14AU836H190, 14AU844H401, 14AU845H062, 14AU845H088, 14AU848H300, 14AW804H401, 14AW834H401, 14AW844H401, 14B9843H206, 14BI845H129, 14BJ816H190, 14BJ845H062, 14BJ848H131, 14BS833H131, 14BS843H131, 14BS843H352, 14BS845H088, 14BU836H190, 247.27432, 4AW814H401, TM03212002, TMO-3304602



Replaces the Following OEM Part Numbers:




618-0241, 618-0431, 918-0241, 918-0241B, 918-0431, 918-0431A, 918-0431B, 918-0431C


12448, 9287


618-0241, 618-0431, 918-0241, 918-0241B, 918-0431, 918-0431A, 918-0431B, 918-0431C



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