Oregon - 73-020 - Snow Thrower Skid Shoe for MTD 784-5038B, 784-5030





Mounting Holes or Slots - 7/16" x 2-1/2"


This Oregon skid shoe will guide you evenly through snowy winters. Oregon replacement parts are built to meet or exceed OEM standards.


  • Replaces MTD part number 784-5038B
  • Use on 1988 and 1989 20" and 26" snow throwers, models 225 and 590
  • 7/16" x 2" slots, center to center spacing
  • Will also fit Toro large frame snowblowers
  • For MTD use with our 73-024 wear bar

Fits the Following Models:


114 models, 149-852-023, 174 models, 190-032-101, 190-491-000, 190-491-190, 190-621-000, 190-621-190, 190-627-000, 190-823-000, 190-823-101, 190-830-190, 190-831-000, 190-831-190, 190-832-000, 190-832-190, 190-930-000, 190-930-190, 190-955-190, 190-985-190, 190-990-000, 190-990-190, 190491, 190832, 195-930-000, 196-491-000, 196-830-000, 196-930-000, 196-955-000, 196-990-000, 19930-7, 19930-9, 19930C, 19930S, 19A70009OEM, 240-550-000, 240-586-000, 240-596-372, 250-586-019, 250-586-033, 250-586-034, 250-586-059, 250-586-083, 250-586-084, 250-586-087, 250-586-092, 250-586-101, 250-586-105, 250-586-138, 250-586-146, 250-586-170, 250-586-206, 251-586-000, 251-586-010, 251-586-013, 251-586-019, 251-586-033, 251-586-120, 251-586-129, 251-586-372, 251-586-736, 252-586-190, 310-440-000, 310-440-190, 310-450-000, 310-550-190, 310-552-000, 310-552-190, 310-586-190, 310-588-000, 310-840-000, 310-850-000, 310-850-190, 310-960-000, 310355, 310385, 310965, 311-440-000, 311-450-000, 311-550-000, 311-550-118, 311-550-190, 311-552-190, 311-586-190, 311-840-000, 311-840-118, 311-850-000, 311-850-190, 311355, 311385, 311965, 312-440-190, 312-550-190, 312-552-190, 312-980I000, 312-980I054, 313-980I000, 313-980I031, 313-980I054, 313-980I095, 313-980I205, 313-980I352, 31355-9, 31385-9, 314-980I000, 315-550-190, 315-800-190, 315-980I000, 316-550-190, 316-610E147, 316-611D000, 316-611D118, 316-611D302, 316-611D352, 316-611D372, 316-611D700, 316-613E131, 316-641E000, 316-641E118, 316-800-190, 316E610E000, 316E610E033, 316E610E088, 316E610E382, 316E610E700, 316E611D000, 316E611D352, 316E611D752, 316E613D401, 316E633E401, 316E633E701, 316E640F000, 316E640F013, 316E640F033, 316E640F088, 316E640F302, 316E640F352, 316E640F372, 316E640F382, 316E640F700, 316E640F752, 316E641E205, 316E643F131, 316E660G000, 316E660G352, 316E660G700, 316E661E118, 316E663G131, 316E733E401, 316E733E701, 316E740F000, 316E740F352, 316E740F700, 316E740F752, 316E753F401, 316E753F701, 316E760F118, 316E980I000, 317-440-190, 317-552-190, 317-840-190, 317E980I000, 318-440-190, 318-550-190, 318-552-190, 318-840-190, 319-440-190, 319-586-190, 319-840-000, 319-850-000, 319-850-190, 319-960-000, 319-960-027, 31965-9, 31AD4M3F190, 31AD5L3F190, 31AD5P3H190, 31AD6J3D190, 31AD6K3E190, 31AD7K3E190, 31AD7N3F190, 31AE458G099, 31AE5D8E099, 31AE633E190, 31AE643G131, 31AE663G131, 31AE663H401, 31AE6C3H131, 31AH4G3F190, 31AH4Q3G190, 31AH573H190, 31AH5C3F401, 31AH5Q3G401, 31BH5C3F401, 31BH5Q3G401, 32, 4048A, 4049-101, 586-046, 840-206, 850-327, 870-1260, 960-206, 960-327, OEM-190-032, OEM-190-627, OEM-190-823, SB1150W, SB855

Replaces the Following Part Numbers:


05571, 706-15944-00-10, 784-5030, 784-5038, 784-5038A, 784-5038B, 784-5038B-0637, 784-5038B-0689, 784-5039, OEM-784-5038B

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